Simplified elevated dam (SED) is one of the series products of low-head water retention gates. It features no electricity and relies on manpower or diesel engine to drive the gate to lift and drop. Saving the procurement and maintenance costs of transformers, cables, electric control cabinets and other related equipment, and saving a large amount of investment in civil engineering and electricity. This is Jilin Yanji SED project, the scale of the project is 234.61m long and 2.5m high. Each span is 8.09m long and 2.5m high, 29 spans in total.The gate is driven to lift and drop by diesel engine in this project. This driving form has lower cost and strong mobility, which can completely replace the electric motors of electric gates. Besides, it is suitable for remote rivers where the river width is no limitation, the height of gate is less than 5m, and it is particularly suitable for remote rivers with cascade construction of multiple SEDs along the river and not convenient to set up transmission line. Only one diesel engine is needed and it transports among the gates by mounted on a small vehicle, saving alarge amount of electricity investment.